Contenu migré

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Migration de main-d'œuvre

Les travailleurs migrants contribuent à la croissance et au développement de leur pays de destination, tandis que les pays d’origine bénéficient grandement de leurs envois de fonds et des compétences qu’ils acquièrent pendant leur expérience à l’étranger. Pourtant, le processus migratoire implique des défis complexes en termes de gouvernance, de protection des travailleurs migrants, de lien entre migration et développement, et de coopération internationale. L’OIT s’efforce de forger des politiques qui maximisent les avantages des migrations de main-d’œuvre pour toutes les parties prenantes.

Zoom sur le recrutement équitable

Recrutement équitable

Recrutement équitable

Key publications

The migrant pay gap: Understanding wage differences between migrants and nationals

The migrant pay gap: Understanding wage differences between migrants and nationals

Employment and decent work in refugee and other forced displacement contexts

Employment and decent work in refugee and other forced displacement contexts

Global Study on Recruitment Fees and Related Costs

Global Study on Recruitment Fees and Related Costs

List all publications

List all publications

COVID-19 and Migrant Workers

COVID-19 and Migrant Workers

COVID-19 and Migrant Workers

COVID-19 and Migrant Workers

Migrant workers and COVID-19

The ILO labour migration branch is producing tools and guidance to address the impacts of COVID-19 on migrant and refugee workers, and support economies and societies to build back better. Policy guidance is available in key thematic areas and at the regional and country level. See here. Join the ILO this week (22-26 June 2020) for a series of activities to exchange on key issues facing migrant and refugee workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Politiques et programmes

Labour Migration Projects

Labour Migration Projects

Pour plus d'information

Contact the ILO Labour migration branch

Contact the ILO Labour migration branch