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UN Women - ILO Joint Programme

Technical workshop on Care, Decent Work and Macroeconomic Policy

This technical workshop will showcase results of the UN Women and - ILO Joint Programme collaboration, inform on key lessons learnt, share innovative approaches, and reflect on issues and strategic future perspectives on care, decent work and macroeconomic policy.

On March 27th and 28th the UN-Women-ILO Joint Programme “Promoting Decent Employment for Women through Inclusive Growth Policies and Investments in the Care economy” hosted the Technical Workshop on Care, Decent Work and Macroeconomic Policy at the ILO headquarters in Geneva. The Technical Workshop showcased the results of the UN Women and ILO collaboration at the country level, informed on key lessons learnt, shared innovative approaches, and reflected on issues and strategic future perspectives/solutions. The Technical Workshop brought together government counterparts and other social partners, national implementing partners, experts, workers, employers, and country and global teams from UN Women and ILO.

The joint work of the two implementing agencies across five countries has supported governments, women’s organizations, development and social partners in implementing gender-responsive policies to ensure a job-rich and inclusive recovery. The work presented at the Technical Workshop evidenced that the macroeconomic, sectoral and employment policies, and investments in care sectors work in synergy to bring about gender-responsive change. Based on the adaptation and application of the UN Women-ILO policy tools, all five implementing countries have achieved strategic results towards addressing gender inequalities. They have anchored the implementation of the JP to support national policy priorities for Women’s Economic Empowerment, strengthened inter-ministerial coordination for integrating gender in National Planning and Financing Instruments, progressed towards the establishment of gender-responsive integrated employment policy frameworks, expanded partnerships and established synergies with complementary initiatives in their respective countries.
Convened under the aegis of the UN Women-ILO Joint Programme “Promoting decent employment for women through inclusive growth policies and investments in care”, this technical workshop will showcase results of the UN Women and - ILO Joint Programme collaboration, inform on key lessons learnt, share innovative approaches, and reflect on issues and strategic future perspectives on care, decent work and macroeconomic policy. It will bring together government counterparts, representatives from workers’ and employers’ organizations, national implementing partners, experts, and country, regional and global teams from UN Women and ILO.

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Gender-responsive employment policies for a job-rich and fair recovery