Connected world

Bureau for Employers' Activities

The ILO Bureau for Employers' Activities (ACT/EMP) assists Employer and Business Membership Organizations (EBMOs) in building strong, independent, and representative organizations. EBMOs, representing private sector enterprises, are crucial to sustainable development, societal stability, and prosperity.  ACT/EMP maintains direct relations with EBMOs in member States, conveying their views, concerns, and priorities within ILO work. Read more about ACTEMP

News and articles


Navigating Employer and Business Membership Organizations (EBMOs) Financial Challenges
 cover_ILO-ACTEMP-ITCILO-Navigating-EBMOs-Financial-Challenges-EN FINAL


Navigating Employer and Business Membership Organizations (EBMOs) Financial Challenges

Business is not as usual: what Employers' and business member organizations (EBMOs) need to know
This way to social justice


Business is not as usual: what Employers' and business member organizations (EBMOs) need to know





Arab States

Arab States

Asia and the Pacific

Asia and the Pacific

Europe and Central Asia

Europe and Central Asia

Latin America and the Caribbean

Latin America and the Caribbean

Events and meetings

352nd Session of the Governing Body

28 October–7 November 2024

352nd Session of the Governing Body

112th Session of the International Labour Conference
ILC palais room XX

3-14 June 2024

112th Session of the International Labour Conference

Business is not as usual: what Employers' and business membership organizations (EBMOs) need to know
Business is not as usual video

Employers' and business membership organizations

Business is not as usual: what Employers' and business membership organizations (EBMOs) need to know

Key areas of work

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)

Building effective employer and business membership organizations
Strengthened Employers Organizations

Building effective employer and business membership organizations

Enabling Environments for Sustainable Enterprises (EESE)

Enabling Environments for Sustainable Enterprises (EESE)

Women in Business and Management
Women in business

Women in Business and Management

Productivity and competitiveness
Productivity and competitiveness

Productivity and competitiveness

Transforming EBMOs into data-driven organizations
Data driven organizations

Transforming EBMOs into data-driven organizations


What is the role of ACTRAV and ACT/EMP in the ILO?
 voices from ILC 2024 actemp video

What is the role of ACTRAV and ACT/EMP in the ILO?

Women in business and management

Women in business and management

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