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female workers in a factory

Sustaining Competitive and Responsible Enterprises (SCORE) Programme

At a SCORE Trained enterprise, Ms Durga Dash, a migrant worker from Odisha at working on refrigerator parts. © ILO
Project details

15 December 2021 - 31 December 2024

US$ 3,047,743

Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) & Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad)


Project team: [email protected]

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ILO’s Sustaining Competitive and Responsible Enterprises (SCORE) Programme improves productivity and working conditions in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The key intervention of the programme is SCORE Training, which combines practical classroom training with in-factory consulting. The Training demonstrates best international practice in the manufacturing and service sectors and helps SMEs to participate in global supply chains.

SCORE Training focuses on developing cooperative working relations resulting in shared benefits for enterprise owners and those who work there. The SCORE Training modules cover Workplace Cooperation, Quality Improvement, Resource Efficiency, Workforce Management, Occupational Safety and Health at Work, Lean Manufacturing, Gender Equality, Responsible Business, Hospitality Coaching and Working Time. Some modules also respond to crises such as the Covid-19 pandemic. Training formats vary, modules usually include a one/two-day classroom training for managers and workers, followed by on-site consultations with industry experts that help to put the training into action in the workplace, some are self-paced online.

Since inception, SCORE Training has been delivered to over 4800 SME’s globally. This represents a total workforce of over 888,000 workers who have benefited from enterprise improvements, including efforts to develop a culture of respect, trust and communication in the workplace. SCORE Training has improved productivity up to 50% in participating SMEs and boasts an 91% satisfaction rate

Learn more 


SCORE Training Updates

ILO, International Trade Centre and Government of Lesotho team up to strengthen SME competitiveness, productivity and decent work

ILO, International Trade Centre and Government of Lesotho team up to strengthen SME competitiveness, productivity and decent work

ILO promotes resource efficiency, clean production and circularity in Kyrgyzstan and Mauritius

ILO promotes resource efficiency, clean production and circularity in Kyrgyzstan and Mauritius

ILO fosters productivity, decent work and inclusion in Brazil's apparel sector

ILO fosters productivity, decent work and inclusion in Brazil's apparel sector

ILO and Government of Flanders join forces to strengthen productivity in South Africa

ILO and Government of Flanders join forces to strengthen productivity in South Africa

Innovation in action: A Chinese infrastructure company’s journey towards productivity growth and decent work

Innovation in action: A Chinese infrastructure company’s journey towards productivity growth and decent work


Why are brands interested in SCORE Training?

Why are brands interested in SCORE Training?

SMEs Participating in SCORE Training

SMEs Participating in SCORE Training

Trainers delivering SCORE Training

Trainers delivering SCORE Training

In collaboration with

Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation

Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation

State Secretariat for Economic Affairs - SECO

State Secretariat for Economic Affairs - SECO