ILC.113/Report IV(3)

Protection against biological hazards in the working environment

Fourth item on the agenda of the 113th Session of the International Labour Conference (June 2025): standard-setting, second discussion

This report contains the texts of the proposed Convention supplemented by a Recommendation concerning protection against biological hazards in the working environment.  Governments are requested to inform the Office, after consulting with the most representative organizations of employers and workers, whether they have any changes to suggest or comments to make. 

Pursuant to article 46(6) of the Standing Orders of the Conference, the replies should be communicated to the Office at the earliest opportunity, and in any case not later than 14 November 2024 – preferably by email to [email protected]. The comments received will be reflected in the fourth and final report on the standard-setting item, which will be prepared by the Office for the consideration of the Conference at its 113th Session (June 2025).

Biological hazards in the working environment
Abstract-Bio-hazard-first report

ILC.112/Report IV(1)

Biological hazards in the working environment

Protection against biological hazards in the working environment
Abstract ILO colours 3

ILC.112/Report IV(2)

Protection against biological hazards in the working environment

Reports submitted to the 113th Session of the International Labour Conference

June 2025

Reports submitted to the 113th Session of the International Labour Conference