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The Green Jobs Assessment Institutions Network (GAIN)

GAIN is an international network of individual researchers, research institutions and international organisations that aims at developing tools to better understand the effects of green policies on employment and therefore contribute to promoting the just transition to the green economy.
In order to achieve this objective, GAIN developed a methodology that uses Input-Output Analysis and allows to investigate the quantitative effects of green policies on employment. More details on this methodology can be found in the recently launched GAIN Training Guidebook.

Framed within the Just Transition, this analysis allows countries to foresee the opportunities and risks to reshape their economic and labour policies and investment decisions to maximize employment gains.
See more information about the GAIN’s background, objectives, and outcomes.
GAIN Training Guidebook

GAIN Training Guidebook

Green Jobs Assessment Reports

Green Jobs Assessment Reports


GAIN has currently 34 founding members that work together to develop evidence-based tools to advise Just Transition policies. More information about the Network’s members.

Webinar Series

GAIN Webinar 7: Skills for a Greener Future: Taking stock and looking ahead

Upcoming Webinar

GAIN Webinar 7: Skills for a Greener Future: Taking stock and looking ahead